This page describes how to cite ImageJ and related projects.
- For information on who contributes to these projects, see Contributors.
- For information on who maintains these projects, see Governance.
- For information on how these projects are funded, see Funding.
We ask users to cite:
Any specific publications of plugins used.
The general paper of ImageJ flavor(s) used; e.g.:
- If you used Fiji, cite the Fiji paper.
- If you used ImageJ2, cite the ImageJ2 paper.
- If you used the original ImageJ, cite the ImageJ paper.
If journal reference limits interfere, the plugin-specific publications should take precedence.
In general, please cite these projects—their long-term future depends on it!
Thank you for your support.
ImageJ and variants
Supporting libraries
Rueden, C., Schindelin, J., Hiner, M. & Eliceiri, K. (2021). SciJava Common [Software].
Rueden, C., Dietz, C., Horn, M., Schindelin, J., Northan, B., Berthold, M. & Eliceiri, K. (2021). ImageJ Ops [Software].
Citable software
The following table lists all citable software packages, plugins, etc.,
documented on the site. To add a tool to this list, add the doi:
its publication to the tool’s wiki page.