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Advanced Editing

This page describes how to install Jekyll, and work with the wiki locally as a Git repository.

Install jekyll

The jekyll static site generator can be installed on Linux, MacOS and Windows. To install a local version of jekyll follow the instructions for your respective operating system here.

Clone the repository

Once jekyll has been installed, clone the repository. Navigate to the cloned repository and run bundle install to install the specific ruby gems necessary to run jekyll and serve the site. Once installation is complete, it is a good idea to run bundle update (it is a good idea to bundle update every so often to stay up to date).

Serve a local version of the site

Now that the both jekyll and the repository are installed on your local machine, you can run the static site generator by navigating to your local site directory within a terminal and running bundle exec jekyll serve. Wait for a minute while the site generates, and then in your browser navigate to the server address that has been output in your terminal, i.e. Changes you make to any file in the directory will be detected by jekyll, regenerating the site to reflect the new changes.

Alternatively, you can run bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental to initiate the local server. This command will reduce the amount of time it takes for the site to regenerate if you anticipate making many changes in quick succession.

Create a new page in _pages

In the desired folder beneath _pages, create a new text file—e.g. touch _pages/plugins/

Filenames should be lowercase, omit spaces, and use extension .md.

Editing a page locally

We recommend using a text editor to add content and make changes to a page when working locally. A text editor makes navigating between files, searching for text within your page, and making multiple edits more efficient and provides a more user-friendly interface.

From here, the front matter and content of the new page can be populated with a text editor of your choosing.

  • Images and other media should be stored in /path/to/

  • Regularly save your progress with commits. The process of commiting your changes pushes your edits to the main branch of the repository hosted on GitHub. The process of commiting is described below.

Create an extension

If you want to extend the features of the wiki, for example, load a custom javascript library to certain pages. You can add your scripts into _includes/extensions, and then the user can enable your extension by adding the extension name to extensions in the Front Matter of their markdown file.

For example, you can find two example extensions mathjax and imjoy in the _includes/extensions folder. And in the begining of any page, you can enable them by:

title: My Awesome Page
extensions: ["imjoy", "mathjax"]

Pushing, pulling, and commiting with Git

Once you are ready to publish your your new page you will need to add, commit, and push your changes to the repository. These steps should looks something like:

  1. git add path/to/ This step stages your changes to be commited.
  2. git commit path/to/ Note: you will not be prompted to enter a commit message. Our usership uses imperative tense, i.e. “Add new page xzy”
  3. git push Your new page or edits will not be pushed to the main branch of the repository.

This guide provides further explanations on the above steps, as well as how to keep your local repository up-to-date with the remote with git pull.