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Mixture Modeling Thresholding

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Mixture_Modeling.jar (18,454 Bytes)


in .jar file


This plugin automatically threshold an image using the Mixture Modeling algorithm. It is an histogram-based technique that assumes that the histogram distribution is represented by two Gaussian curves.


This algorithm separates the histogram of an image into two classes using a Gaussian model. It then calculates the image threshold as the intersection of these two Gaussians. This thresholding technique has the advantage of finding a threshold that is in certain cases closer to real world data. The Gaussian parameters can also be used to describe the two regions obtained.

The plugin returns a histogram with the two Gaussians, the parameters obtained (average, standard deviation, threshold) and the thresholded image.

It has the same drawbacks as the Otsu Thresholding plugin (by the same author), which is that it behaves annoyingly with stacks.

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  3. GNU General Public License
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    Components distributed via the BIG-EPFL update site were developed by the Biomedical Imaging Group (BIG) at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
  10. Public Domain
    Software in the public domain disclaims all copyright interest, being freely available to everyone for any purpose, with no attribution or acknowledgement required.
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