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Original MediaWiki page

Jerome Mutterer

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I maintain the following ImageJ plugins:

ActionBar Macro based customizable toolbars
FigureJ Easy image montage for article figures
Droplet Drag-And-Drop file processor
IJEd An ImageJ bridge for using jEdit as script editot
PDF_MacroExt Macro extension to create pdfs
ReadMyLifs Easily access images series in multiseries files
Alert Creates color alerts to catch user attention
IJ_RemoteTeachingAssistant Highlights used commands during demos
Close Fiji Console Create a shortcut to this plugin for easily getting rid of the intrusive Fiji error console
LUT Panel Create gradient LUTs
LSM Toolbox Zeiss .lsm utilities
LSM Reader Zeiss .lsm utilities
Live Macro Experiment with webcams and IJ macros
Serial Macro Extension Talk to serial devices from macros
Magic Montage Drag and Drop images inside a montage
Haar Wavelet filter Haar Wavelet filter
A Trous Wavelet filter A Trous Wavelet filter
Colocalization Finder Colocalization Finder