This page summarizes translation of basic operations of ImageJ 1.x and ImageJ2 API. Based on the work of Robert Haase , Scientific Computing Facility, MPI-CBG Dresden.
Starting ImageJ
new ij . ImageJ ();
ImageJ ij = new net . imagej . ImageJ ();
ij . ui (). showUI ();
Show images
is an ImagePlus
imp . show ();
ij . ui (). show ( imp );
ImageJFunctions . show ( imp );
ImageJFunctions . wrap ( imp , "Image" ). show ();
Retrieve an active image object
ImagePlus imp = IJ . getImage ();
Script parameter (the same for Dataset
, ImagePlus
, etc.):
#@ Img image
In Java code:
private Img image ;
Using ImageDisplayService
Dataset image = ij . imageDisplay (). getActiveDataset ();
Open an image file
returns an ImagePlus
object without showing.
ImagePlus imp = IJ . openImage ( urlOrFilePath );
imp . show ();
automatically shows the image without returning ImagePlus
IJ . open ( urlOrFilePath );
ImagePlus imp = IJ . getImage ();
Using IOService
Object image = ij . io (). open ( urlOrFilePath );
Using DatasetIOService
(for type safety):
Dataset image = ij . scifio (). datasetIO (). open ( urlOrFilePath );
Save an image file
IJ . saveasTiff ( imp , "/path/to/image.tif" )
Using IOService
ij . io (). save ( dataset , "/path/to/image.tif" );
Using DatasetIOService
ij . scifio (). datasetIO (). save ( dataset , "/path/to/image.tif" );
Convert image types
Convert from ImgLib2 Img
object to ImageJ ImagePlus
ImagePlus imp = ImageJFunctions . wrap ( img , "Title" );
Convert from ImageJ ImagePlus
object to ImgLib2 Img
Img img = ij . convert (). convert ( imp , Img . class );
Img < T > realImg = ImageJFunctions . wrapReal ( imp );
Img < FloatType > floatImg = ImageJFunctions . convertFloat ( imp );
Img < FloatType > realImg2 = ImageJFunctions . wrap ( imp );
Show regions
imagePlus . setRoi ( roi );
Img < BitType > mask ; // = ...
Roi roi = ij . convert (). convert ( mask , Roi . class );
imagePlus . setRoi ( roi );
Run plugins
IJ . run ( imagePlus , "Normalisation" , "" );
ij . command (). run ( ImageNormalizerIJ2Plugin . class , true ,
"input" , img , "ij" , ij );
Define plugins
public class ImageNormalizerPlugin implements PluginFilter {
In resources/plugins.config
Plugins>Filtering, "Normalisation", NormalizerPlugin
@Plugin ( type = Command . class , menuPath = "Plugins>Normalization" )
public class ImageNormalizerIJ2Plugin implements Command {
See also
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