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Ticket #1823 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 2013-04-17T13:24:04-05:00

Last modified 2013-05-15T15:31:42-05:00

Reinstate the contrib branches of

Reported by: dscho Owned by: dscho
Priority: major Milestone: imagej2-b7-ndim-data
Component: Server Admin Version:
Severity: serious Keywords:
Cc: curtis Blocked By:
Blocking: #1729


We can no longer do it with SSH, of course, but we can allow people to push to's contrib branch without authentication. This will require some serious httpd.conf trickery, but it is doable.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 2013-04-17T13:27:29-05:00 by curtis

Is it too nasty to require people to fork on GitHub and file PRs? It would save us a lot of time, and create a written public record of contributions. The downside is that it is slightly less easy than just pushing to contrib was...

comment:2 Changed 2013-04-17T13:28:23-05:00 by curtis

And to be clear, by "people" I mean only "untrusted outsiders" and not core Fiji developers, same as before.

comment:3 Changed 2013-04-19T18:15:36-05:00 by dscho

As you know, I am a big fan of requiring competent maintainers to go that extra step when it makes contributing substantially easier.

IMHO this is such a case, and I am a competent maintainer.

Just for the record: IIRC we got roughly 20 patches through the contrib branches, in addition to all of Gabriel's stuff...

comment:4 Changed 2013-05-15T15:31:42-05:00 by dscho

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

I just fixed this, compiling a custom intermediary between Apache and git-http-backend, running it with the jenkins-node account as effective user. It takes all of its configuration from the environment variable GIT_PRE_RECEIVE_HOOK which has to be executable and owned by root (for security reasons). All it does is perform a couple of sanity checks before ensuring that the pre-receive hook is linked symbolically before handing off to Git.

The new Apache configuration has this additional line:

SetEnv GIT_PRE_RECEIVE_HOOK /var/www/vhosts/

and it now hands all smart HTTP backend stuff to /var/www/vhosts/$1 instead of /usr/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend/$1.

The pre-receive hook reads like this:


die () {
	echo "FATAL: $*" >&2
	exit 1

# This pre-receive hook should only limit contrib pushing via http://
test -n "$REQUEST_URI" ||
exit 0

while read oldsha1 newsha1 ref
	case "$ref" in
		;; # okay
		die "Only contrib branches can be pushed ($ref)!"

	test 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 != "$oldsha1" || continue

	basesha1="$(git merge-base "$oldsha1" "$newsha1")" &&
	test "$basesha1" = "$oldsha1" ||
	die "Only fast-forwards are allowed: $ref ($(echo $oldsha1 | cut -c 1-8)...$(echo $newsha1 | cut -c 1-8))"

The source code of the intermediary is written in C (because bash does not run with an effective UID, for security reasons):

#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

 * This program acts as a simple filter to git-http-backend to allow for
 * contrib branches.
 * The basic idea is to have this program running under the effective UID of
 * the owner of the Git repositories served by Git via smart HTTP. That way, we
 * can not only write to the repository, but also ensure that a pre-receive
 * hook is installed (symlinked) to prevent bad things from happening.
 * To enable this, use chown and chmod with u+s to set the effective UID, then
 * replace git-http-backend with contrib-http-backend (i.e. this program) in
 * your Apache configuration and add a couple of environment variables:
 * SetEnv GIT_EXECUTABLE /path/to/git
 * SetEnv GIT_PRE_RECEIVE_HOOK /path/to/pre-receive-hook
 * The script reuses the environment variable GIT_PROJECT_ROOT to ensure
 * that the specified pre-receive hook is active by adding a symbolic link.
 * @author Johannes Schindelin

static void __attribute__((noreturn)) die(const char *message, ...)
	va_list parameters;

	va_start(parameters, message);
	vfprintf(stderr, message, parameters);
	fputc('\n', stderr);


static void ensure_hook(const char *repository_path)
	const char *hook_path = "/hooks/pre-receive";
	int hook_path_len = strlen(hook_path);

	const char *git_pre_receive_hook = getenv("GIT_PRE_RECEIVE_HOOK");
	int len;
	char *p;
	struct stat st;

	if (!git_pre_receive_hook) {
		die("GIT_PRE_RECEIVE_HOOK not set");
	if (access(git_pre_receive_hook, X_OK)) {
		die("Not executable: %s", git_pre_receive_hook);
	if (stat(git_pre_receive_hook, &st) || st.st_uid) {
		die("The pre-receive hook must be owned by root");

	len = strlen(repository_path);
	p = malloc(len + hook_path_len + 1);
	memcpy(p, repository_path, len);
	memcpy(p + len, hook_path, hook_path_len);
	p[len + hook_path_len] = '\0';

	if (!access(p, X_OK)) {
		char buffer[PATH_MAX];

		strcpy(buffer, "(not a symlink)");
		if (!readlink(p, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) ||
				strcmp(buffer, git_pre_receive_hook)) {
			die("Invalid hook %s: %s\n", p, buffer);
	} else {
		char *slash = strchr(p + len + 1, '/');

		while (slash) {
			*slash = '\0';
			if (access(p, R_OK)) {
				if (mkdir(p, 02775)) {
					die("Could not make directory %s", p);
			*slash = '/';
			slash = strchr(slash + 1, '/');

		if (symlink(git_pre_receive_hook, p)) {
			die("Could not make symlink %s -> %s: %s",
				git_pre_receive_hook, p, strerror(errno));

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	const char *suffix = "/git-receive-pack";
	int suffix_len = strlen(suffix);

	const char *path_info = getenv("PATH_INFO");
	const char *git_root = getenv("GIT_PROJECT_ROOT");
	const char *git_executable = "/usr/bin/git";
	int len;

	/* Sanity checks */
	if (!path_info || !git_root) {
		die("Invalid environment: %s, %s", path_info, git_root);

	if (!git_executable || access(git_executable, X_OK)) {
		die("Not executable: %s", git_executable);

	/* Sanity checks specific to git-receive-pack */
	len = strlen(path_info);
	if (len > suffix_len && !strcmp(path_info + len - suffix_len, suffix)) {
		int git_root_len = strlen(git_root);
		char *p;
		struct stat st;

		len = git_root_len + len - suffix_len;

		p = malloc(len + 1);
		memcpy(p, git_root, git_root_len);
		memcpy(p + git_root_len, path_info, len - git_root_len);
		p[len] = '\0';
		if (stat(p, &st)) {
			die("Cannot stat %s", p);
		if (geteuid() != st.st_uid && (getegid() != st.st_gid ||
				!(st.st_mode & S_IWGRP))) {
			die("Invalid ownership: %s (%d:%d)", p, geteuid(), getegid());

	/* Hand off to Git's http backend */
	execl(git_executable, git_executable, "-c", "http.receivepack=true", "http-backend", NULL);
	die("Could not execute %s", git_executable);

An earlier version of contrib-http-backend allowed to specify the Git executable path via environment variables, too, but I became convinced that this would open a security hole: to be able to write to the repositories owned by the Jenkins user, the program must be owned by that user and run with the SUID flag set. It is only a minor concern, though, that somebody with access to the server would run this executable to modify contrib branches in Jenkins-owned repositories owned outside of the public GitWeb space.