What's New in ImageJ2?

Reproducible science with open tools

Curtis Rueden, UW-Madison LOCI


Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation

LOCI develops advanced optical and computational techniques for imaging and experimentally manipulating living specimens.




What is ImageJ?








An application

A tool for image science

A reusable library

// Create a new ImageJ gateway with all available services.
ij = new ImageJ()

// Load a dataset from somewhere.
dataset = ij.io().open(imageSource)

// Filter the image.
fft = ij.op().fft(dataset)
lowpass(fft, 10)
result = ij.op().ifft(fft)

// Display the result.

An extensible collection
of services & plugins

A shared framework for
image processing

"Write once, run anywhere" image processing

Yes, ImageJ is all of that!

But most importantly...

ImageJ is a community!

Schindelin, J., et al. "The ImageJ ecosystem: an open platform for biomedical image analysis." Molecular reproduction and development 82.7-8 (2015): 518-529.

A sizable community...

^ ImageJ update checks, week of 2017-Feb-09


Why use ImageJ? Why improve ImageJ?
Why not use Imaris and MATLAB for everything?
Why join this community?

  • Frugal: ImageJ is free and cross-platform
  • Pragmatic: You can fix bugs, add features
  • Scientific: See and understand how it works
  • Ethical: Fully reproducible, better science

Better science?

Why do science in the first place?

  • Improve the human condition
  • Discover new knowledge
  • Stand on each other's shoulders

21st century science requirements

  • Quantitative research
  • Keep track of everything

Information provenance

  • Remember what you did, and how
  • Explain it to someone else


  • Validate others' work

Is this a good segmentation? (source)

Using 'Otsu' I find --- not a little difference --- but a big one. A little difference caused by the binning, a big one between implementations. Which is the 'real' Otsu threshold?
—Robert Atwood (source)
The Otsu algorithm had indeed an issue only with certain 16bit histograms where the computation of the variance could cause an overflow that carried on without triggering an error. I checked Emre Celebi's library (Fourier 0.8) and his C++ version does not have the problem so I replaced the previous version with Emre's. 8 bit images were not affected. I just checked and it finds the ball in your sample image now.

The Huang method is a different issue. The original code by Emre was rewritten in 2011 by Johannes Schindelin to use more efficiently the 16bit data and has a massive execution speed advantage. However I just noted that in some cases it does return exactly the same values as the original even in some 8bit images. I therefore added back the original code and kept Johannes' method as "Huang2" for the time being until I have time to look at it in more depth.

I also found that the Mean method (again in 16bits only) had a potential for overflow that could go without triggering errors, so I fixed that too.

—Gabriel Landini (source)

Sharing information

The Internet makes sharing easy

  • Wikipedia: public encyclopedia
  • Stack Exchange: public Q & A
  • GitHub: public source control
  • Twitter: public social interaction
  • Google: public etc.
"When in doubt, make it public."
—Jeff Atwood (co-creator of Stack Overflow)

Beyond open results

Publish a compendium, not just a result

  • Protocols & methodology
  • Raw data
  • Computer code
"An article about computational science in a scientific publication is not the scholarship itself, it is merely advertising of the scholarship."
—David Donoho, "Wavelab and Reproducible Research," 1995

Science Code Manifesto

Deep reproducibility demands the source code

"Software is a cornerstone of science. Without software, twenty-first century science would be impossible. Without better software, science cannot progress."
Science Code Manifesto

And it is good for your career:

"Papers describing software published as open source are amongst the most widely cited publications (e.g., BLAST, and Clustal-W), suggesting many scientific studies may not have been possible without some kind of open software to collect observations, analyze data, or present results."
—Andreas Prlić & James Procter
"Ten Simple Rules for the Open Development of Scientific Software"

And it is good for your career:

"Science is hard enough already."
—Andreas Prlić & James Procter
"Ten Simple Rules for the Open Development of Scientific Software"

And it is good for your career:


Open software is a process

  • Ongoing open development
  • Improve software as a community
  • Open access resources
  • Responsive, reliable maintainers
  • Powerful collaboration tools (GitHub!)

^ Look familiar? ;-)

ImageJ Software Stack

Modular and extensible components




(data model)

(image I/O)

(image processing)

ImageJ Legacy

SciJava Pledge

A pledge to cooperate and reuse code

SciJava Component Collection

A collection of software components curated together

A promise of compatibility

Fiji Is Just ImageJ

  • A distribution of ImageJ for the life sciences
  • A community of ImageJ developers
  • Built on the ImageJ2 platform
  • Includes over 700 additional commands

What's New in ImageJ2?

  ImageJ 1.x ImageJ2
Image types uint8, uint16, float32, rgb bit, uint2, uint4, uint8, uint12, uint16, uint32, uint64, uint128, int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64, cfloat32, cfloat64, bigint, bigdec, argb, <your-image-type-here>
Plugin types PlugIn, PlugInFilter, PlugInTool Command, Op, Tool, IOPlugin, Service, Converter, Codec, Format, DataHandle, TextFormat, ScriptLanguage, Display, UserInterface, Platform, App, Gateway, ModulePreprocessor, ModulePostprocessor, CodeRunner, ..., <your-plugin-type-here>
Dimensions 5D—XYZCT N-dimensional—X, Y, Z, time, channel, emission spectra, lifetime, cell polarity, <your-dimension-here>
Image formats HandleExtraFileTypes SCIFIO—including Bio-Formats plugin; <your-format-here>
Parameters GenericDialog SciJava module @ parameter syntax—callable from ImageJ, KNIME, OMERO, CellProfiler, ..., <your-tool-here>
Script languages IJ1 macro, JavaScript, BeanShell, Java BeanShell, Clojure (Lisp), Groovy, Java, JavaScript, JRuby, Jython (Python), Renjin (R), Scala, <your-language-here>
User interface AWT Legacy, Swing, AWT, Apache Pivot, Eclipse SWT, JavaFX, KNIME, CellProfiler, OMERO, <your-ui-here>
Distribution Download, install and update manually Hundreds of update sites; receive updates automatically (when you want!)

What's Newer??

Future directions

"Of course there is plans..."
—Florian Jug

The rise of polyglot tools




More will emerge. Always keep looking!

How to get involved

Help others to avoid repeating your pain.
You are custodians of the OSS ecosystem!

PIs: write grants to fund ImageJ-based development!

Further reading about ImageJ

Academic paper

Rueden, C. T., et al. "ImageJ2: ImageJ for the next generation of scientific image data." arXiv preprint (2017).

45-minute presentation

Rueden, C. T. "ImageJ2 and Fiji: The ImageJ2 platform, and the Fiji distribution of ImageJ." ImageJ Conference 2015. video, slides











And all supporters of open science and open software!