This is an archive of the old MediaWiki-based ImageJ wiki. The current website can be found at

2015-11-30 - ImageJ winter priorities

Here is a status update from the ImageJ team at LOCI: where we're at, what's next, and what tasks we see as the most important to keep ImageJ moving forward.

Top priority

First and foremost, we're on the cusp of submitting a paper describing the structure of ImageJ2, which is a critical step towards future funding efforts.

On the technical side, Curtis Rueden just wrote the first ImageJ code using Java 8 functionality, which will continue drive our need to migrate. One recent and fundamental step in this direction is the release of the 3D update site: providing Java 7- and 8-compatible versions of 3D ImageJ plugins (previously relegated to Java 6).

Next steps

In the coming months we have several projects of interest. In approximate order of our priority:

Long-term plans

  • Better support for arbitrarily large planes (via google-maps style scaling)
  • Improved support for arbitrarily large images (i.e., with huge numbers of planes or blocks)
  • JavaFX-based UI

Continued support

While not directly tied to any one issue or reportable task, LOCI will continue to support:

  • The ImageJ community—especially with the success of the new forum
  • LOCI scientific collaborations
  • Technical training, via continued presentations, workshops and wiki guides.