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Ticket #244 (closed task: fixed)

Opened 2010-10-08T10:40:12-05:00

Last modified 2010-10-08T10:44:25-05:00

BFITK Plug-In should be accessible regardless of where the calling program is invoked

Reported by: hinerm Owned by: hinerm
Priority: major Milestone: biweekly-2010: Oct-04 to Oct-15
Component: SCIFIO Version:
Severity: non-issue Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:


Currently, for a Farsight module to use the BFITK plug-in, the module has to be invoked from the working directory containing the jace, loci tools and Bio-Formats libraries/jars.

Ideally, it shouldn't matter where a program is invoked for it to use the BFITK plug-in.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 2010-10-08T10:44:25-05:00 by hinerm

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Resolved in revision 7050.
As ITK plug-ins require an ITK_AUTOLOAD_PATH being set to the directory containing the ITKFactories directory, and that directory also contains the required jace, loci and BF libraries/jars, the BFITK plugin now also uses the ITK_AUTOLOAD_PATH environment variable to determine the absolute path to the required jars and libraries.