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Ticket #1503 (closed feature: wontfix)

Opened 2012-10-10T14:36:41-05:00

Last modified 2014-05-01T17:14:18-05:00

Create a user story for the release [analysis]

Reported by: bdezonia Owned by: bdezonia
Priority: major Milestone: imagej2-b8-analysis
Component: Community Version:
Severity: serious Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By: #1819


For the release we should have a user story that shows a subset of what it can do. This would be useful for demos and would show some of the ways we are making progress.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 2012-11-21T10:23:11-06:00 by bdezonia

  • Summary changed from Create a user story for the release (2.0.0-beta7) to Create a user story for the release (2.0.0-beta8)

comment:2 Changed 2012-12-06T12:52:02-06:00 by curtis

  • Summary changed from Create a user story for the release (2.0.0-beta8) to Create a user story for the release [analysis]

comment:3 Changed 2013-01-22T11:36:35-06:00 by bdezonia

Milestone description is image analysis and processing

comment:4 Changed 2013-06-10T10:06:28-05:00 by curtis

  • Blocked By 1819 added

(In #1819) OK, fits well with b8-analysis anyway.

comment:5 Changed 2013-06-13T12:58:29-05:00 by bdezonia

Note that some work was committed between the cutting of the release and the tagging of the milestone as complete a couple days later. Any work summary should include a few days back from milestone close.

comment:6 Changed 2013-06-13T13:52:26-05:00 by bdezonia

That work includes:

  • a bug with sliders getting out of bounds
  • lookup tables menu now handles tables with spaces in name
  • displays never show null as a title
  • the flip axis plugin has been written
  • the threshold color options now work (red, blue/green. black/white)
  • image duplicate plugin reuses existing display range info
  • the histogram api had a couple convenience methods defined
  • the threshold plugin uses Histpgram1d's rather than long[]'s

comment:7 Changed 2014-05-01T17:14:18-05:00 by curtis

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to wontfix

We are doing monthly blog posts, as well as thorough release announcements for major new versions. Since we are using GitHub Issues slightly differently than we did this Trac (no hierarchical feature-oriented view), we don't need to file issues to remind us.