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Temporal-Color Code

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Temporal-Color Code (Fiji)
Author Kota Miura, Johannes Schindelin
Maintainer Kota Miura ([1])
Source on GitHub
Initial release 29 Nov 2010
Latest version 29 Nov 2010
Development status beta

Temporal-Color Code

Generates a temporal-color coded XY 2D image (above right) from HyperStack (above left). Works with both 2D time series and 3D time series.

Be sure to set the dimensional sizes (especially Z and T) properly with Image/Properties.

Work Flow

With a hyperstack window activated (at the most front among other images), select Image/Hyperstacks/Temporal-Color Code.

In dialog window, select a LUT from drop down menu. Selected LUT will be used for color coding the time. You could also set the range of frames to be coded. Default is full frames. There is also an option check-box for generating color-scale bar in separate window. This will show correspondence between color and frame number in the color coded image.