This is an archive of the old MediaWiki-based ImageJ wiki. The current website can be found at

Automatic Update Site Uploads

Update Sites
Following an update site
Creating your own update site
Terms of Service for personal update sites
Automatically upload your site
Uploading to core update sites
List of update sites
Update site FAQ


Additional resources

Automatic Uploads via Travis CI

Travis CI can be used to automatically build a repository in response to code changes. To ease the maintenance of ImageJ update sites, we can use Travis to automatically upload the latest version of a site. This is done by creating a .travis.yml file in your update site's GitHub repository that does the following:

  1. Create a fresh
  2. Build the update site's repository and move the required artifacts (e.g. .jars) to their intended locations in the
  3. Upload the local update site state to your Wiki update site

As a starting point you can copy the following .travis.yml :

language: java
sudo: false

    - $HOME/.m2/

  - mvn package

  - ./

    - master

and this script :

#!/usr/bin/env sh
set -e

# Define some variables
export USER="Username"
export UPDATE_SITE="Update_Site"

export IJ_PATH="$HOME/"
export URL="$UPDATE_SITE/"
export IJ_LAUNCHER="$IJ_PATH/ImageJ-linux64"
export PATH="$IJ_PATH:$PATH"

# Install ImageJ
mkdir -p $IJ_PATH/
cd $HOME/
wget --no-check-certificate

# Install the package
mvn clean install$IJ_PATH -Ddelete.other.versions=true

# Deploy the package
# Deploy the package
$IJ_LAUNCHER --update edit-update-site $UPDATE_SITE $URL "webdav:$USER:$WIKI_UPLOAD_PASS" .
$IJ_LAUNCHER --update update
$IJ_LAUNCHER --update upload --update-site $UPDATE_SITE --force-shadow jars/YOUR-FILE.jar

Don't forget to replace

export USER="Username"
export UPDATE_SITE="Update_Site"

by your informations.

Encrypting your password

To upload to your wiki update site, you will need to provide Travis CI with a WIKI_UPLOAD_PASS environment variable, which should evaluate to the upload password of the Wiki account performing the upload. To do so securely, follow the instructions on the encrypting environment variables.

Note that when you run:

$ travis encrypt WIKI_UPLOAD_PASS=super_secret --add env.matrix

in your repository, the .travis.yml will automatically be updated appropriately. You can simply commit and push the changes.

Non-Mavenized Files

Travis CI is capable of building many languages besides Java. If you cannot use Maven with a then you need to replace the following line of your .travis.yml:

  - mvn clean install"$(pwd)" -Ddelete.other.versions=true

with a sequence of commands that will move your build artifacts to the appropriate /jars or /plugins directory, as appropriate for your update site.

This is also true if you have custom scripts, macros, etc... if these files are not present in the correct locations of the local, they will appear to have been deleted.


See Also