This is an archive of the old MediaWiki-based ImageJ wiki. The current website can be found at

2012-03-12 - ImageJ 2.0.0-beta1 is nigh!

We are on track to release the first beta of ImageJ2 by the end of March. As shown on the Roadmap page, only a handful of tickets remain to be addressed.

The beta still has many bugs and limitations, but we have several substantial milestones:

  • Support for most ImageJ1 plugins and macros
  • Import and export of all SCIFIO-supported file formats
  • Many new pixel types (thanks to ImgLib2)
  • Multidimensional data beyond 5D (thanks to ImgLib2)
  • Improved region of interest (ROI) tools
  • Truly headless: image processing is separate from user interface
  • Automatic updates: once you download beta1, ImageJ can update itself (with your permission)
  • 171 new and/or reimplemented ImageJ2 plugins so far

We have made a substantial effort to document the work we are doing, and what needs to be done, to deliver a powerful and full-featured ImageJ2. All tasks are tracked by our Trac issue tracking system, which you can review in several ways:

You can also perform custom queries to further refine the results, if there are particular parts of the development that interest you.