2012-01-19 - New Release of Stitching
You can now reconstruct arbitrarily sized, tiled acquisitions (which can be multi-channel, time-lapse stacks) with just very little RAM (even <1GB) if you activate the options to write the result directly to disk and/or open the input stacks only virtually!!
Here is a list of all new highlights:
- supports composite images and hyperstacks now (arbitrary amount of channels and time-points)
- can optionally write the stitched image slice-by-slice directly to disk (significantly reduces the RAM requirements)
- can optionally open the input images as Virtual Stacks (significantly reduces the RAM requirements)
- supports timelapse alignment with different stitching options
- subpixel-resolution
- supports many different types of grids (row-by-row, column-by-column, snake, ...)
- can read the approximate tile positions from the image metadata
- finally based on ImgLib
There are only two plugins left, they replace the Stitching2D/3D and the Stitch Grid, ... Sequence, ... Collection and so on. They are called:
- Stitching -> Pairwise Stitching
- Stitching -> Grid/Collection Stitching
You will find a complete documentation on the Fiji wiki: Image_Stitching
The Stitching is deployed as a component of Fiji (simply update Fiji) or you can download it for ImageJ as a stand-alone package which includes all necessary libraries (11MB): Download...
I thank all the authors of the libraries and other people who helped me with the Stitching: Acknowledgements
Last but not least, it would be really nice if you could cite the publication that is associated with the plugin: