NOTICE! This is a static HTML version of a legacy ImageJ Trac ticket.

The ImageJ project now uses GitHub Issues for issue tracking.

Please file all new issues there.

Ticket #1707 (closed defect: wontfix)

Opened 2013-03-20T10:39:52-05:00

Last modified 2014-05-10T18:38:18-05:00

It should be easier to migrate tickets

Reported by: bdezonia Owned by: bdezonia
Priority: major Milestone: imagej2-unscheduled
Component: Other Version:
Severity: serious Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: #1711


Whenever betas roll around we find ourselves doing a lot of trac work. It would be nice if we could write scripts or plugins for the trac that would simplify this process. There are a couple use cases that I'd like to see handled:

1) The ability to move a feature and all its children (which may be features with children too) to a new milestone. Care must be taken to avoid mixed milestone issues where a ticket blocks other tickets in milestones earlier than the target.

2) An extension of 1) this would move stuff into new milestones but would hatch feature tickets in current milestone that includes all closed tickets within the feature to be moved. The hatched features would be duplicates of those features that are moving but in the current milestone while the move will be a new milestone.

These changes would greatly simplify moving feature tickets into later milestones.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 2013-03-20T11:33:11-05:00 by bdezonia

  • Blocking 1711 added

comment:2 Changed 2014-05-10T18:38:18-05:00 by curtis

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to wontfix

We are migrating to GitHub Issues, and abandoning the use of feature tickets, at least for the most part. We can still use cross-issue references, as well as checklist issues. But the problems described by this ticket are moot since we will no longer use Trac. (And if there are problems with GitHub Issues, we can file an issue to describe those separately.)