This is an archive of the old MediaWiki-based ImageJ wiki. The current website can be found at

Make Fiji Package

Fiji Package Maker
Project Fiji
Source on GitHub
License GPLv3
Release 2.1.1
Date Sat Apr 29 22:42:18 CDT 2017
Development status Stable
Support status Active
Founders Johannes Schindelin
Leads -
Developers -
Debuggers Curtis Rueden
Reviewers Curtis Rueden
Support Curtis Rueden
Maintainers Curtis Rueden
Contributors Johannes Schindelin, Mark Hiner

The Fiji Packager allows you to bundle an existing Fiji installation so you can share all the plugins and update sites with colleagues. It makes a single archive (.zip, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 are supported at the moment) from the files in

After clicking on Plugins  › Utilities  › Make Fiji Package (note: there are two Plugins  › Utilities menus because ImageJ1 enforces separate submenus for non-core plugins which makes things a little bit confusing), you will be asked for the format and the file name.

After both are specified, the plugin does all the rest, reporting its progress in the status bar.

Files included in the archive

The packager includes files from the following subdirectories of

  • images/
  • jars/
  • luts/
  • macros/
  • misc/
  • plugins/
  • retro/
  • scripts/

It also includes the ImageJ launcher and the updater database including the current list of update sites.