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2015-07-02 - ImageJ 2.0.0-rc-31

Today, the ImageJ team has made a new release of ImageJ2: version 2.0.0-rc-31. This release includes usability improvements to ImageJ Ops, as well as restoration of a classic ImageJ 1.x feature: the single instance listener.

What's new

This release includes significant updates to several components:

SciJava ImageJ ImgLib2


  • Return of the single-instance listener! (imagej-legacy#116).
  • ImageJ Ops now has convenient "built-in" methods (imagej-ops@f5cf38ea). These built-ins allow type-safe access to all the core ops, backed by a robust test framework.

How to update

Use the Help  › Update... command to update your ImageJ installation. Please send any comments to the ImageJ mailing list. Thank you for the continued feedback and support!